Friday, November 24, 2006

Dusting off the keyboard

Man what has happened to the ol' blog, it’s sad when you have to take cob webs out of a computerized inter-web of knowledge. Speaking of which did you know: the abbreviation "WWW" is somewhat impractical as it contains two or three times as many syllables (depending on accent) as the full term "World Wide Web", and thus takes longer to say. (Thanks Wikipedia!)

In other news I've had a successful day of giving thanks yesterday, I've got an interview to for a job I really want, and I had a small personal victory. You see I'm no longer just writing for the Evening News I'm also writing for the EDP. If you go to there web-site I write the review for the Book of the Month. My small victory came when I had to hand write the review and hand it to my boss so she could type it out. Brilliantly she and the second in charge couldn't understand my review do to my language use. Now this wasn't like people at work not understanding me when I say "the book ink-quires desk" (I actually got to tell an African man not to oppress me for my Americanisms.) Or like when they found it mighty funny when I called string 'twine' then proceeded to say 'twine - twine - twine' over and over again. No this was winner because I used a very basic 'literary speak', 'uni talk', 'black gold', 'Texas tea' (no wait that's something else). Yeah so you throw in the word dystopian and people don't seem to know what you’re talking about anymore. It's great!

1 comment:

aurifex said...

Well done you. A mighty coup indeed (and if the features editor of the EDP is reading this: I don't mean a chicken house)!